You are here because you are interested in blogging, right? Lots of people these days are searching for a way to make some quick cash by starting a money-making blog. If you’re running behind the same goal then I have to say, you are in the right place. In this comprehensive beginner’s guide on how to start blogging in 2025; I will tell you a few harsh and ugly truths about blogging that no one talks about and try to figure out the solution to them.
Do you think that you are smart enough to make easy money online?
I will tell you today the heartbreaking truth about blogging that no one talks about or you don’t hear from anyone else.
So, first, let’s start to find out some important information about the need and importance of blog making.
Do you read my previous post written about this matter mentioned above?
If not then you can read this article about the importance of blogging?
It discusses the importance of starting a blog. And ended with an unsolved question about how to start blogging or how to start a successful blog and earn money online? I will try to answer this question mentioned above in detail here.
Another thing I want to say about this article. This post is slightly larger in length.
So, please keep patience and stay with me till the end of this article if you want to know the detailed instruction on how to start blogging in 2025.
But at first, stop at this point and think about the importance of these words, “How to make your blog successful?”
In this complete How to start blogging in 2025, a step-by-step guide for beginners; I will try to figure out the answer to the questions asked above.
Let’s Start,
The Complete Beginners Guide On How to Start Blogging in 2025

How to create a blog for beginners? How to start blogging and make it successful?
The answer to these questions is not as easy as someone said in the articles you can see on the various blog post.
Even, though it’s so complicated if you wish to earn a reasonable amount of money each month by online blogging.
One of the ugly truths about blogging is;
Blogging isn’t easy.
It takes a lot of time to set up your blog.
You have to choose the best web hosting partner as per your requirement.
Your blog needs an attractive layout and design. You need to make sure that your blog looks good to see.
You need to keep an eye on security-related issues on a scheduled basis so that you can prevent your blog from being hijacked or server-down-related problems.
Then, you have to create, publish, and share lots of informative and high-quality articles until your blog can build some momentum on the net.
So, this is not an easy task. You have lots of work to do to make a blog successful.
Let’s start now to do that possible,
#1 First step to launch a successful blog,
Build Your Blog On Rock Solid Foundation
First, register a domain name based on your blog niche from NameCheap which you can use for your blog address.
Then, host your domain in a secured and fast-loading hosting platform.
If you asked me which web host is best for blogging?
My answer is and always will be Bluehost.
You can choose it without any doubt. Because their hosting server is not only secured but also fast and hassle-free.
You know, if you want to expect the best performance then you have to decide right at the first step of the long run of blogging.
Choosing a top-class and best in the business in the web hosting industry is just like the same.
If you prefer cloud hosting then I have to say that you can choose Cloudways for your next blog host.
Register a Cloudways account and get $25 Hosting credit now!
The next step is to design your blog with a professional look.
#2 Design Your Blog Like Pro Bloggers Do!
How To Make Your Blog Look More Professional?
Install WordPress in your hosting account. If you don’t know how to install WordPress in a web hosting account then view this tutorial video given below,
Choose the right WordPress Theme
You can choose your required WordPress Theme based on your blog’s category or niche from ThemeForest Marketplace if you want to give your site a professional look.
It will be good if you can do it in your hand. Otherwise, you can hire a Fiverr professional to do that job for you.
The next step is to create compelling content,
#3 Write With Passion
The blog isn’t only for professional writers.
But if you don’t have writings spirits and skills then I must say, don’t waste your time making a blog.
Especially, which you want to build for making passive income online.
Whatever you think, believe, and dream; sketch it with the combination of text and images in your article.
The same things apply to me too.
Whenever I write something on my blog, it’s coming from the deep of my heart.
I indeed make this for making money from a blog in mind.
But, it’s not the last word about blogging for me.
This blog is like a child for me.
So, I want to take care of it like a baby which is almost 2 and a half years old now.
Do you expect financial support from your baby when they were at a growing age?
So I decided to give it some time to grow up as others do.
The Real Mystery About Blogging That No One Talks About

I have no other option too!
Because in these long 30 months, this blog provides me with $0 cash returns.
Everything, every possible effort, trick, and technique including social media marketing, search engine optimization, link building, etc; I applied to increase visitors to my blog.
But, at the end of the day when I saw my blog stats, it show 0 to 5 visitor views.
So, the result is the same as expected.
No visitors, No earn!!!
All the Google AdSense Ads or Domain Name Registrar NameCheap affiliate marketing links remain useless till now.
Even one of the best web hosting providers in the world Bluehost hosting sales through my blog remained nil for the last 2 and half years.
But, despite that, I didn’t lose hope and quit blogging.
Because I know the hard the real truth about blogging for money before I get in myself into blogging.
I know, that growing a blog takes time.
It takes consistent sharing of great content for months and months on end.
Usually, it takes most people about two years to get big and successful.
This means that if you want to own a successful and demanding blog site then you must keep patience. And need to see your growth as slow and steady just as the traffic coming to your site is slow and steady.
If it’s happened to you too.
Then, what do you need to do?
#4 Fourth Step to Create A Successful Blog
After blogging for two and a half years without any success I contact a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) professional to solve my low visitor problem.
He advised me to use “SEMrush – A premium Keyword Research and Site Audit Tool” to find and use low competitive yet high search volume-based keywords in my blog.
I tried his method and publish every article based on keyword research using SEMrush and do some high-quality backlink building which is related to my blog niche and find profitable results within a very short day.
Write Highly Engaging And Informational Blog Articles
You have to know how to impress others.
I mean your blog visitor.
Because only an audience or blog readers can make a blog successful.
If you can’t impress your blog visitor enough to read your blog post then they will not come back to read your next article.
So, keep this in mind before writing a single word for your blog.
Always Write For Simple Man
Before moving a step forward, think about yourself.
Who You Are?
The answer to this question depends on your social position, work, status, etc.
It makes value when you are in the working area.
When you are surrounded by people.
But, when you are at home, alone then it doesn’t make any sense to you.
At home, all of us want to stay simple man, remain simple, and love to spend our free time freely.
At that time all kinds of complexity irritate us.
It’s human nature that doesn’t change till the end of time and civilization.
So, if you look in the mirror and want to see yourself then you can see, that all of us are the simple man by heart who loves simplicity.
It’s true for me and I believe that it’s true for all of us who spend a few hours a day on the net.
Whenever I read something, I prefer to read those articles which are written in simple words. Which is easy to understand.
That’s why I suggest all of those who want to be successful bloggers, write their blog posts in simple meaningful words.
#5 The Fifth Step of Successful Blog Making
How often should You Update Your Blog?
It depends on your blog’s popularity or visitor demands.
If your blog is new then it’s better to update your blog daily.
Need to get high rankings in Google search results, then try to update your blog at the scheduled times frequently.
Try to post fresh and informative articles on every weak so that your visitor or followers remain connected and never forget you.
Always, keep your eyes on blog stats and try to figure out; which articles your visitor liked the most.
Try to update your old articles too regularly with up-to-date information.
#6 Sixth Step of Creating An Appealing Blog Site
Share Your Writings on Social Platforms and Be Social
Use social media sharing plugins in your blog so that your visitor can share your articles on the top free social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
You have to share your writings on social media too regularly to get the attention of your friends and followers.
Be social. Always stay connected with friends and followers using email and social sites.
Answer And Support Your Followers Whatever They Asked For
Reply to every comment, and feedback regularly so that your visitor doesn’t feel alone while visiting your blog.
Encourage them to visit your site regularly and share their thoughts and queries.
#7 Seventh Step to Make A Successful Blog Site
Monetize Your Blog
You can monetize your blog and earn money online in the method given below,
- Affiliate marketing
- Google AdSense
- Ezoic or
- Email marketing
- E-Books sell
- Provide an online course
- Sell digital products
- Value-added services
- Sponsor article
- E-Commerce business
- Drop-shipping
- Sell Ad space
- Website flipping.
That’s the end for today. Thanks for reading.
If you like my post regarding, “how to start blogging in 2025” then please share it whenever you want.
If you have any queries related to online money-making tips and tricks then ask me using the comments form.
I will try my best to answer your question.