How to Start Content Writing and Earn from It?
Are you someone who has a nag for writing? Then you’ve landed on the right place that is right for you and will act as a guide. Writing is a very popular profession among youths of knowledge and interest. Most content writers start writing as a hobby. Maybe you like journalism or keeping a diary or writing anything in general then there is a scope for you in this field. You can make a career out of writing.
This way you can do what you like the most and also get paid for it. Isn’t it the best thing ever? Yes, absolutely. As a content writer, I can say that you will have a lot of scope in this field. But like in every field, you have to be dedicated to the profession and passionate about enhancing your skills every day.
In this article, you’ll get to know a bunch of stuff like –
- What things to consider before writing?
- What is content writing?
- How to find gigs online and offline? And,
- How to make a permanent earning from it?
So let’s dive into the article and discover the secrets of content writing and earning from it. Master the craft, optimize for SEO, and monetize your skills effectively. Start now!
What is The Gist of Content Writing?
We see lots of business agencies and companies and they have some things to promote and present. In this modern world, every offline-based business or online-based business has a website.
Content writing is writing, editing, and organizing web content generally for digital marketing. Anything you write on the internet, for example; blog posts, articles, reviews, and social media platforms like Twitter or Reddit can be said as content writing.
You can write content for –
- Blogging
- Web Content
- Ads
- Sales Advertisement
- Journalism
- Review Writing
- Creative Writing
- Technical Writing
- Newsletter
- Audio and Video Contents
- Copywriting
- Translation and Transcribing
- Research and report writing
- Editorial Writing
The area of content writing is huge. Web content writing has a lot of scope for aspiring writers. Let’s elaborately discuss some of these types of content writing mentioned above.
#1 Blogging: In a blog, you can write anything that will attract readers. It is a website where contents are written and arranged in reverse chronological order. The blog posts are individualistic and express the views of any individual or a small group of people.
The main job that bloggers do is to write content and post them. You can own your blogging website and write on it. But as a beginner, I should write on various free blogging websites for gaining some knowledge and experience which is well needed to be a successful blogger.
There are types of blogs you can write on –
- Personal Blog
- Affiliate Blog
- Niche Blog
- Personal Brand Blog
- Corporate Blog
- Artists Blog
- Guest Blog
- Podcast
- Case Study Blog
In a blog, you can write about nearly everything like; health, lifestyle, fashion, child care, makeup, art, music, and many many diverse topics you can think of.
It’s very important to choose the topic of your blog accurately which will suit your writing and your style and showcase your point of view. To be successful in the field of blogs you’ll have to keep patience.
#2 Web Content: On a website, the writings, videos, and audio are considered web content. You can write for any website and publish it under your name. Also, the web contents demand to be SEO optimized.
Almost every website needs content and you can write near about anything and reach the readers. You’ll be given projects and you’ll have to do research on them and shape an article and sometimes the projects require a unique style.
You can also add images, voices, audio, and multimedia to your content and they will enhance the quality of your content.
#3 Ad Content: These contents run on paid partnerships, sponsors, paid socials, and any type of paid commission. For promotions, these contents are created and the contents tactfully contain the paid collaborations and are presented in an alluring way.
An ad is a short form of advertisement and the advertisements are incorporated into magazines, websites, or social media feeds. You have to hook the readers from the beginning and guide them to your advertisement. Be clear about the advertisement and grow interest through your writing and make the readers eager to invest in that product or a subscription.
#4 Review Content: Review content requires a lot of research and knowledge about the product, movie, music, or series you’re about to review. It complies with the fact that you’ve used any product or seen any movie or music and you have to write your point of view on it. And the review must be elaborate and every query of the reader must be answered.
For review writing, you have to expand the area of your research and try to cover as much content as you can provide within a single article. Many affiliate blogs and websites offer posts as a content writer and you can write for them.
An ideal review must structure this way –
- The main focus is on the benefits and non-benefits.
- Evidence to support your assertions.
- Making the type of audience it’s made for clear to the readers.
- The process of buying the product and the audience it’s attracting.
- An interesting and fulfilling conclusion.
#5 Creative Content Writing: Creating creative content makes you a proper content writer. As a content writer, you must have a clear perspective and the ability to present your content easily. The content you write should solely be original that express your thoughts and your views.
This way you can reach many people and people will relate to your writing. Creative writing is the first step to being a true content writer. Creative content includes plays, personal essays, travel journals, speeches, screenwriting, short stories, or novels.
#7 Technical Content Writing: Technical contents are manuals like an instruction manual, journal articles, technology-based content, legal disclaimers, help files, a quick reference guide, etc.
Technical writers also write press releases and social media posts. Technical writing requires knowledge of the trending technology and product information and the operation of the product. The scope of technical writing is huge and with enough experience, you can earn a very good amount of money.
#8 Copywriting: On many freelancing websites people offer remuneration for copywriting purposes and it’s considered content writing. Copywriting is a slightly more professional idea than ordinary content. The reason behind that copywriting is to sell any brand, idea, or ideology to people in a subtle manner. Copywriting upholds branding and through the content highlights the ideas of certain brands.
#9 Translation and Transcribing: Are you a person who knows multiple languages? If so with your writing skills, you can use your language skill and create content. Translating any document to your language or translating your language document to another language is a very well-content writing scope.
Many companies and websites require translators for their foreign business partners or customers to make it easier and more understandable for them.
Transcribing is transforming an audio document into a written document. To be a transcriber you’ll have to be very attentive, accurate, and confident. You can get a job as a transcriber and get a good amount of money working for it.
Many freelancing marketplace buyers require transcribers to transcribe their contents into documents and pay per work.
#10 Research and Report Writing: No matter what content you write; research is a must. And for report writing; research is very crucial. This is also a gig that you can get paid for. Isn’t that awesome! Yes, it is.
You can write an academic report or term papers for others. But for this, you need to know certain styles and rules, and referencing techniques.
The possibilities in the content writing arena are huge. You cannot finish talking about the types of written content you can work on. This diverse field will help you improve your writing skills and enhance your vocabulary too.
Things you need to do to start before content writing –
- Be Dedicated
- Punctual
- Enhance your vocabulary
- Thrive to be better
- Always learn from your mistakes
- Never say no to any opportunity or gig
- Always do thorough research on the topic
- Organizational skills need to be sharpened
- Have to understand the concept of SEO
- Editing as long as the content is unique
- Be Focused.
These are the things you need to have to be a content writer.
What is SEO?
I have mentioned above that you have to understand the concept of SEO well. So, what is the concept of SEO? The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization. This is a process of writing content in such a way that it gets a rank in the search engine.
The search engine optimized content writing job is for content writers who mainly focused on projects where the main intention for content writing is to increase organic traffic from the search engines like Google or Bing.
The SEO content writers research the keywords that will help the content reach and keep up with the competition. This is one kind of technical writing and you have to learn SEO to get that kind of content writing job.
How to Improve Writing Skills?
- Write, write, and write, because the more you write the better you grasp the concept.
- Lookup for new words and try to use them in your writing.
- Read articles and understand people’s way of writing.
- Write impromptu paragraphs, essays, and reports.
- Improve your proficiency in Google Docs, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
- Reading self-written materials and trying to add little edits to make them better.
- Always be open to research.
- Try to write on your own and beware of copying from other content.
- Be well informed about the running trends.
- Be active on social media.
- Increase your networks.
Never copy from any source you are taking inspiration from. Read it quite a few times and gain an idea and try to write your understanding. Make the content reader-friendly. Use sentences and words that are easy and simple for a better understanding of the readers.
How Can You Earn By Content Writing?
Now I’ll be discussing how you could earn a decent amount of money from Bangladesh through content writing.
1. Freelancing: Freelancing is such a lifesaver. You can work for the buyer of the freelancing marketplace and earn money by doing a content writing job remotely while sitting at home in your comfort. There are a lot of freelancing websites that offer you gigs and projects. You’ll have to enroll yourself in many freelancing websites and choose your preference and start content writing and reaching the buyers. You can easily earn from freelancing websites in Bangladesh.
2. Internships: Many physical internship proposals are circulated all over the internet. You can search for internships. Internships for a writing job that offers to train and gives you a friendly work environment are worth a shot.
Never dodge an unpaid internship proposal but actively search for a paid internship and job security. Internships will help you to learn from the experts. Internships at various news portals will also give you exposure and help you touch mass readers.
3. Facebook Jobs: Facebook jobs are a miracle in themselves. You’ll find a lot of content writing jobs and get paid per article also look out for full-time jobs.
How will you activate it? In the top right corner of the notification bell, there are multiple options. Press on it you’ll see a briefcase icon. Press on the briefcase icon and activate it. Choose your preference as a content writer or freelance writer.
You’ll get a notification for every job post near you and you can see the work description and apply for jobs. It’s such an easy way to find jobs and a very easily availing option.
4. Google Jobs: Yes, like Facebook you can search for content writing Google jobs as well. Just search for content writing jobs and any job near you will show up. You can apply for it how the recruiters want you to.
Some Websites or Freelance Marketplace For Getting Content Writing Jobs
- Truelancer
- Upwork
- Fiverr
- Problogger
- Academia-Research
- Solidgigs
- Remote Writing Job
How will Content Writing Help You?
Creating Portfolio: Creating a work portfolio is important if you are planning on having a career in content writing. A portfolio means the sample of your writing and the websites and blogs it’s published on. It will give the recruiters an idea about your writing and also showcase your experience in this field.
Adds Qualification: For researched report writing and technical writing you will need qualifications. Because without qualification you cannot write about these things. So over time, you become qualified in certain types of content writing.
The Horizon of Content Writing in Bangladesh
- SEO Content Writer
- Content Creator
- Copy Writer
- Transcriber
- Proofreader
- Editor
- Journalist
- Social Media Blogger
- Technical Writer
- Blogger
- Institutional Writers
- Subject Matter Expert
- Creative Writer
Content Writing is a creative profession. If you love to read and write; this profession is perfect for you. For college students, content writing is a great incoming force. During the pandemic, offline jobs have been hyped up and now many youths are leaning towards content writing.
If you are an aspiring content writer, be confident about your decision and dive into the world of possibilities in content writing. Never give up and always strive to be creative and innovative. Think like a reader a try to connect to them. Be vocal and confident about your ideas and opinion and share them fearlessly.
Hope this article has helped you to get an overall idea about content writing. If you are in a dilemma and you need a sign- Just Go For It!
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