Top 10 best on-page SEO techniques you should try to rank high on SERPs

Nowadays, almost everyone knows about search engine optimization or SEO. The term SEO is the method that is followed to bring a website to the top of the search engine’s search result page (SERPs) is called SEO or search engine optimization.

Doing SEO makes it possible to get more visitors to a website. As well as the website gets acquainted with the users.

There are different types of SEO based on different criteria. On-page SEO is one of these types. In today’s article, I will discuss the top 10 best on-page SEO techniques you should try to achieve a high rank in SERPs.

Hopefully, everyone who wants to know about on-page SEO from start to finish will benefit.

In today’s article, you will learn about –

  • What is on-page SEO?
  • Why on-page SEO is needed?
  • How to do on-page SEO?

So let’s get started.

What is On-Page SEO?

Have you ever wondered why certain websites are at the top of the search result page (SERPs) when you search for a topic in a web browser?

Or, has the question ever come to mind that even though the quality of content on some websites is good enough, why aren’t they ranked at the beginning of the search results?

Let us find out about the meaning of on-page SEO by looking for the answer to the questions mentioned above!

Generally, whether a website ranks first in search engines depends on how much the content of that website is search engine optimized.

On-page SEO is an SEO process that allows a website to be ranked in search engines or optimized in the language of SEO. The main purpose of on-page SEO is to help a website rank in search engines.

Why On-Page SEO is needed?

Let’s find out the answer in a small example of how important it is to rank a website.

Suppose, Jack has a blog site where he regularly uploads various lifestyle-related articles. He is new to blogging.

So, since he doesn’t have enough idea about on-page SEO, he writes articles like him and uploads them on his blog site. After uploading many articles like this for two or three months, Jack noticed that despite the good quality of his articles, his website was not at the beginning of the search results and he was not getting the expected traffic from the website.

Can you tell me why this happened despite the good quality of content on Jack’s website?

To be honest, the availability of the number of websites and good content for a specific niche is much higher at present times.

So, if you do not do on-page SEO and are only focused on creating high-quality content then the website will never be ranked in the search engines within the expected time or decade.

And the website will not be able to get the expected organic traffic from search engines (e.g. Google Search). Which has been the case with Jack.

Since he uploaded the content of his website without doing on-page SEO, he did not get the expected results despite the good quality of the content he created.

By doing on-page SEO on a website, search engines easily understand the value of the content within a short time. In addition, a search engine can understand how much the content is related to the user’s search.

It can be said that on-page SEO works for the marketing of a website. Usually, people who search for information; find the information they need from the websites that are on the first page of the search results.

Since proper on-page SEO is done, a website is at the beginning of search results; users easily get a chance to know about that website. In addition, if they like the content of that website, they visit that website again and again.

So, it is necessary to survive in the competition and increase the reputation of your website, you must do on-page SEO!

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Top 10 best on-page SEO techniques You Should Practices To Rank High in SERPs

There are a few steps to follow to do on-page SEO on a website. Let’s find out what are the steps?

#1 Properly research and apply keywords.

One of the most important and early steps of on-page SEO is keyword research. Keyword research reveals what topics search engine users are most searching for.

To rank a website, the search volume of the keyword has to be high and the competition has to be low-competitive. When doing keyword research, you must determine the keywords keeping this in mind and create content accordingly.

However, many people have a misconception about this case. That is, the more keywords used in the content of the website, the better.

This idea is not correct. Rather, the focus keyword is the keyword based on which you will naturally use the content of your website better.

Use focus keywords in the title, introduction, main content, permalink, etc. of the content. This will optimize your content as SEO-friendly.

#2 Be tactful when using title tags.

Title tags are very important in on-page SEO. This is also known as the page title. When placing the title tag, make sure that it is fully related to the content of the article. Also, keep in mind that the focused keyword of your content should be present in the title tag.

Make sure the title tag is not too big. Remember, an interesting title can make website visitors interested in your site content. So, you have to be careful about this.

#3 Proper use of meta descriptions

Meta description plays a very important role in on-page SEO. Meta descriptions help you understand the type of content on a website. It also helps to increase the CTR of the website. Note that you must use focus keywords to optimize the meta description.

#4 Using header tags

Header tags are HTML tags that help to separate the headings and subheadings of content from the original content.

While on-page SEO does not directly help the website to rank at the beginning of the search engine, it does make the content attractive to the visitors. So use header tags in the content.

#5 Creating SEO-friendly straightforward content

If the content you create is not easy to understand and SEO-friendly, then even if the website is ranked, the expected visitors will never be found on that website.

So, an essential step in on-page SEO is to create SEO-friendly and easy-to-understand content.

Remember, website content and literary composition are not the same thing. So use simple language when creating website content. As if your content is appealing to visitors and they are interested in reading it.

#6 Keep SEO-friendly URLs

In the case of SEO-friendly URLs, you can use the focus keyword in the URL. Also, make sure that the URL is small in size and does not use extra punctuation.

#7 Use the alt tag on the image

For those who use images in content, this step must be followed in on-page SEO. This will allow users who collect information through image search to collect information from your content.

#8 Building internal links

Internal linking is a very helpful step in on-page SEO. Internal linking is a link-building method that connects a website’s content with other content of the same site. Internal linking multiplies the chances of ranking a website.

#9 Creating a mobile-friendly website

Currently, a large portion of those who use websites uses mobile phones for browsing. So to do on-page SEO properly, you must make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. Make sure the loading speed of the site is good, and the images used in the content are loaded on any device very quickly.

#10 Content auditing

The importance of content audit for the on-page SEO of a website is immense. A content audit is a process of checking whether the information used in the content of a website is correct. Is it getting targeted traffic from search engines? Or, any changes that need to do to the published content.

These were the important steps to do on-page SEO on a website. These steps act as a ranking factor in ranking a website in search engines.

But it is also important to know that the whole process of on-page SEO is changeable. Because different updates can be seen in the ranking factors at different times.

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